Semicircular Canals

Semicircular Canals

The essays in this section deal with the anatomy of the semicircular canals and its implications for their functional sensitivity. These essays are still in flux, so there may be significan addition and alterations in the next few months.

The Functional Anatomy of the Semicircular Canals in Man  [ Word | HTML |PDF ]
In this essay the semicircular canals in man are described and the axes of the canal are expressed as quaternions. The relationships between the canals are computed and expressed as images.
Movements of a Circular Canal [ Word | HTML | PDF ]
This essay the forces in a circular ring of fluid when the ring is rotating areconsidered to determine to what extent such rings can be used to detect angularmovements. We start to consider the manner in which the semicircular canals differfrom a ring and the implications for the phaysiology of the semicircular canals.

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